Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The Horde of the Violet Hare is a malevolent secret cult-like organization.


Headed by a council of ten "Hareasters", the Horde of the Violet Hare is a secret society whose members wear purple hare-like outfits and behave with identical devotion thanks to mandatory brainwashing. The Horde mainly seeks to collect ancient artifacts (particularly Atlantean technology), be it through regular diggings or less savory means. Their ultimate goal, however, is of course to take over the world using this technology.


Known Haremasters

Other Members

Behind the scenes

First appearing in Shadow of the Colossus in 2005, the Horde of the Violet Hare have become recurring antagonists in Casty's stories. They were also mentioned in a "story" carried out in the comment section of Joe Torcivia's The Issue At Hand.

The Horde of the Violet Hare is closely modeled on S.P.E.C.T.R.E., the antagonistic secret organization from the James Bond film series — complete with numbered operatives and a mysterious, faceless supreme leader.
